Written about Pegmate
Here you’ll find articles, videos, images, and information highlighting our golf accessory Pegmate® and its unique features.
The inventor Elisabeth created “Pegmate” – showcasing it at the world’s largest golf fair
Excerpt from Sydöstran, November 8, 2024
Elisabeth Dahl, the inventor and entrepreneur from Mörrum, has developed a smart and eco-friendly solution for the golf course.
In January next year, she will showcase her invention at the world’s largest golf fair in Orlando…
Got tired of lost tees on the golf course – solved the problem herself!
Excerpt from SVT, August 21, 2023
Maximizing efficiency on the golf course or driving range has been a key focus for Mörrum resident Elisabeth Dahl. Tired of retrieving her tee every time it flew off, she took matters into her own hands and invented a rubber band that keeps it in place…
Elisabeth’s Innovation: The Tee That Doesn’t Disappear
Excerpt from SR P4 Blekinge, August 17, 2023
Golf enthusiast Elisabeth Dahl from Mörrum grew tired of lost tees. So, she took matters into her own hands and invented her own version that can’t be knocked away. The tee, a small platform on which the golf ball is placed, is secured with the help of a rubber band…